Code USSD more 50 characters??

Dear Developers,

I hope you are well. I am contacting you because of a specific need that I have found in my iOS application. Currently, I am developing an application that involves executing USSD codes on the mobile phone network.

However, I have run into a limitation on executing USSD codes that exceed 50 characters on iOS. The USSD codes that I need to execute are longer than this constraint and therefore I am facing difficulties in providing the necessary functionality in my application.

My goal is to allow users to enter variable length USSD codes, which is essential to the user experience I'm looking to provide. Currently, I am using the function to open the phone application and allow users to manually confirm the execution of the USSD code.

I would like to know if there is any method or approach I can use to allow execution of USSD codes longer than 50 characters in iOS, as this is essential for the purpose of my application. I would greatly appreciate your guidance and assistance in this matter.

I thank you in advance for your time and consideration. I am looking forward to receiving your response.

Sincerely, [Marlon Milanes Rivero]

Effectively, according to spec, USSD can be 182 char long.

For testing, did you try to send USSD directly from iPhone (not from app) ?

There have been issues with USSD recently:

Did you file a bug report ?

This is an example of a request to start a section in a bank using a ussd code

var ussddefault =  "444"
var version = "1230628"
func Login(_ pin: String ,_ card :String)  {
    let  encrypted = OfusCodeUSSD().code("0" + card + "*" + pin);
    let  operation = "40"
    ExecuteUSSD ( "*" + ussddefault + "*" + operation + "*" + encrypted + "*" + version + "#")
func ExecuteUSSD(_ ussd: String){
    if let url = URL(string: "telprompt:\(ussd)".urlEncoded), UIApplication.shared.canOpenURL(url) {


Code USSD more 50 characters??