iOS 17 Beta Spam Firebase Push Notifications

Hello everyone

Our application started to spam the Firebase Push Notifications when the device had the iOS 17 Beta. This behavior does not happen in iOS 16, but it was reproduced in many iOS 17 Beta (Beta 3, 4 & 5).

The issue goes like this:

  • Our backend service uses an SDK Firebase to send one notification
  • The user receives the notification
  • Then after some minutes, the device starts to receive the same push notification with the old date-time, by intervals of 5 to 15 minutes

We also got reports of other people with the same issue:

You can see the following screenshot of the output of this after 2 hours:

I also have this issue. I hope iOS 17 does not try to ship without solving this first as it affects many popular apps.

I find it mind boggling that Apple hasn't fixed this issue yet.

The issue still persists on the iOS 17 Beta 6

Hi there,

exactly the same issue here, since the beta 1. I dot not have Firebase but custom php backend. It’s still happening with the beta 8, I filed a report but no response in two months. I try many modifications but no luck on server side. I have +100K active users on app iSoft, I fear the iOS 17 official release.

Hi again,

Finally, if you remove the "id" parameter from the payload, it seems to work for every firmware. But I loose the rich media within...

Same here since iOS17.

Same here issue. iOS 17.

If I set numerical value to "id" paramater not string value, it seems to be fixed. But I don't know it is correct...

We are also facing the same issue. I opened a Technical Support Issue. The support engineer could see the problem happening. He said, he is going to contact the APNS team regarding this issue. We initially thought its the JSON payload format that could be causing the issue. But we fixed and it is still happening. We haven't tried to remove the ID parameter from the payload as we need that parameter in the payload. We thought Apple will fix it. Any other update on this issue?

Here is the update: Apple confirmed that the issue is with having "id" field inside the "aps" dictionary. They asked us to keep the "id" field outside the "aps" dictionary to stop the issue from happening. Here is a much simpler fix to this issue. Someone below found that by changing the return type of the ID field value fixed the issue. We tried that as removing the id field will impact our current client. And that worked. We are planning to do the right way afterwards. Hope this helps.

Same here since iOS 17. Does anyone have a solution to the problem? Do we have to wait for Apple to fix this bug, or try something to make it back to normal?

iOS 17 Beta Spam Firebase Push Notifications