iOS17 beta : AVAssetImageGenerator HDR CGImage generation from HDR AVAsset ?


With iOS17 adding APIs to display and handle HDR images in apps, is the AVAssetImageGenerator supposed to generate CGImages with an HDR color profile (when the AVAsset is an HDR video)?

I cannot get it to work, in the simulator or on the device : the colorspace of the CGImage seems to always be kCGColorSpaceModelRGB, no matter how I configure the AVAssetImageGenerator.

So the created UIImage is not displayed as an HDR image in a UIImageView (with preferredImageDynamicRange set to UIImageDynamicRangeHigh)

Is there another known way to generate an image at a specific time of an AVAsset?

iOS17 beta : AVAssetImageGenerator HDR CGImage generation from HDR AVAsset ?