I used this code that I got from https://blog.learnxr.io/xr-development/getting-started-with-apple-vision-os-development-part-2
extension Entity {
/// Adds an image-based light that emulates sunlight.
/// This method assumes that the project contains a folder called
/// `Sunlight.skybox` that contains an image of a white dot on a black
/// background. The position of the dot in the image dictates the direction
/// from which the sunlight appears to originate. Use a small dot
/// to maximize the point-like nature of the light source.
/// Tune the intensity parameter to get the brightness that you need.
/// Set the intensity to `nil` to remove the image-based light (IBL)
/// from the entity.
/// - Parameter intensity: The strength of the sunlight. Tune
/// this value to get the brightness you want. Set a value of `nil` to
/// remove the image based light from the entity.
func setSunlight(intensity: Float?) {
if let intensity {
Task {
guard let resource = try? await EnvironmentResource(named: "Sunlight") else { return }
var iblComponent = ImageBasedLightComponent(
source: .single(resource),
intensityExponent: intensity)
// Ensure that the light rotates with its entity. Omit this line
// for a light that remains fixed relative to the surroundings.
iblComponent.inheritsRotation = true
components.set(ImageBasedLightReceiverComponent(imageBasedLight: self))
} else {
For my sunlight I used this image that I put into Sunlight.skybox.
That added light to my scene above.