Xcode 15 Beta 5: Unsupported Xcode or SDK Version

I got this error when I try to push my app into testflight: Unsupported Xcode or SDK Version. Your app was built with a version of Xcode or SDK that is not yet supported for upload to App Store Connect.

Also getting this error. Please advise ASAP.

same for me, until Xcode beta 4 I could, but binaries crash on iOS 17 beta of yesterday. (opened another thread)

Getting the same error. Assuming this will get fixed in a couple of days.

The same for me, can't upload build into TestFlight made with Xcode beta 5. The problem also is that iOS 17 beta 4 gives crashes for my app but can't upload a fix because of that.

Also happening to me

Same issue here.

Same issue on my side 🙁

Same here, going back to beta 4 allows uploading and publishing to TestFlight again. This seems to be a common issue for new Xcode versions which Apple usually resolves in one or two days according to this thread: https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/61855

Facing the same issue; have filed report.

Xcode Cloud has the same problem for what it's worth. Changing the Xcode version of the workflow to beta4 allows the build to succeed, but apps built before beta5 crash on the latest iOS beta so... nothing works right now.

Facing this issue and I am not using xcode beta... any ideas?

Xcode 15 Beta 5: Unsupported Xcode or SDK Version