SwiftData missing symbol on device with Xcode Beta 5

I can run my app with SwiftData just fine on the simulator but when I launch on device (on the latest Developer Beta):

dyld[1800]: Symbol not found: _$s9SwiftData22RelationshipDeleteRuleO7cascadeyA2CmFWC Referenced from: <AD4E1D89-86FA-3FE6-9C63-E0AD9C7ED8AA> /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/FD0E19EA-A563-4B44-825B-FB42FA08F17E/MyApp.app/MyApp Expected in: <49E09F5C-ED41-3CA9-9F56-FEBA1FBE971D> /System/Library/Frameworks/SwiftData.framework/SwiftData

Answered by sendtobo in 760075022

Oops. I was actually on Xcode 15 Beta 4. Getting on the latest beta fixed it

This was working on Xcode 15 Beta 4

Accepted Answer

Oops. I was actually on Xcode 15 Beta 4. Getting on the latest beta fixed it

SwiftData missing symbol on device with Xcode Beta 5