Can't query for the existence of an optional to-one relationship?


say in my model I have members and each member optionally can have a relationship to a Club. So the relationship in the Member entity would be modelled like so: @Relationship(.nullify, inverse: \Club.members) var club: Club?

Now I would like to fetch al Members with no Club relationship. I would assume that this would work with a predicate like this:

let noClubPred = #Predicate<Member> { member in == nil

Unfortunately this gives me the following error when compiling: Generic parameter 'RHS' could not be inferred.

Has anybody an idea how to phrase this predicate correctly, or is this a beta issue and it should actually work?

Thank you!

Cheers, Michael

The same here


let nilClub: Club? = nil
let noClubPred = #Predicate<Member> { member in == nilClub


Can't query for the existence of an optional to-one relationship?