Hello everyone, I am new to using Create ML, but am running up against a problem where the error is not descriptive, and I can not figure out what might be causing it. I am fairly sure my data is formatted properly, as in the CreateML software, it detects the images and shows me a bar graph of how many images belong to each label. But when it comes to actually training, the moment I press the "Train" button, it shows an error with the message: "Unexpected Error".
I have also attempted to create and train the model programmatically, and that actually works! The framework requires that the JSON be named "annotations.json" instead of "annotation.json" and that the key representing the name of image be changed to "filename" from "image", but other than that, the data is the same. I tried to use the software with the changes I made to the JSON for use in the framework, but if I try that, it won't even parse the data, so I am fairly sure that my data is formatted correctly.
I would prefer to use the app rather than do everything programmatically, because it presents the data in a much more digestible way.
Has anyone else come up against this issue or a similar issue. I should note that I am running the latest Beta of MacOS Sonoma and Xcode.