User Name components

Trying to build an app that shares data across users, and one sanity check I was using was to check that the current user has granted permission to be looked up, and then I could display the user's name in the view. Previously, I could check the applicationPermissionStatus with CKContainer.applicationPermissionStatus(for:), and if it were not granted, I could request it with CKContainer.default().requestApplicationPermission. Both of those functions (and several others that i was using in my app) now pop up with the message: 'requestApplicationPermission' was deprecated in iOS 17.0: No longer supported. Please see Sharing CloudKit Data with Other iCloudUsers.

Unfortunately, I have found no alternate way to get the user identity in the Documentation, although it is a fairly large section and it's possible I am overlooking it. Is there a way to display the user's name components?

unfortunately, I have written ton of functionality based on the CloudKit DiscoverUser functionality, and it all appears to be deprecated in iOS 17, with no new APIs to replace them. The sample code "Sharing CloudKit Data with Other iCloudUsers" doesn't address this at all.

User Name components