Individual App Usage using Screen Time API

Hey everyone. My friend and I have an idea of creating an app that allows you to compete against others by seeing who can use certain apps the least. To do this, we need to get the statistics of every app's screen time usage.

I looked at doing this through the Screen Time API. However, it isn't very clear to me what app developers can access. Can we access a time breakdown of all apps' screen time usage (similar to the information in the Screen Time Settings screen)? If not, would the best route to manually implement our own tracking system? Thanks!

By any chance did you ever find an answer to this?

An app using the screen time api will have no problems displaying individual app usage data. The problem is it will be sandboxed, so the stats will only displayed to the device user or the parent of a child user if family control auth has been given. So unfortunately you won't be able to send any data to the friend to prove your app usage.

Could you kindly guide me on how to display individual app usage data using screen time api

Individual App Usage using Screen Time API