AppShortcut still needs to be add to shortcut and can't be search in spolight

I have run the demo "Food Truck", which implement the AppShortcut. I found that the shortcuts need to be added to shortcut and can't to be search in the spotlight even I had make sure it is "suggest in search" iOS 17.0 simulator

According to the Spotlight your app with App Shortcuts session (at 13:34) you need to add shortTitle and systemImageName to the AppShortcut that it appears in Spotlight.

    intent: ShowTopDonutsIntent(),
    phrases: [
        "\(.applicationName) Trends for \(\.$timeframe)"
    shortTitle: "Trends",
    systemImageName: "chart.line.uptrend.xyaxis"

In the session they also say:

Note that if I want the entity shown at the top level in Spotlight or Shortcuts, my entities need to have an image or symbol in the display representation.

Though, to be fair I couldn’t get it to work for AppEnums – only for AppEntities. See my questions for more details.

AppShortcut still needs to be add to shortcut and can't be search in spolight