Unable to upload after app transfer

My App includes iPhone + Watch.

Then, I carried out the app transfer, After app transfer, I could only see the bundle ID for iphone, but could not find the bundle ID for watch.

So I tried to recreate the missing watch bundle id and got an error:

An App ID with Identifier 'com.***.watchkitapp' is not available.Please enter a different string.

I guess the Bundle ID is duplicate, so I created a non-duplicate Bundle ID to develop, it is ‘com.***.watchapp’, by the way, I want to migrate to SwiftUI.

When I finished the development and uploaded the new ipa, I got another error:

Invalid Bundle Identifier. Attempting to change bundle identifier from com.***.watchkitapp to com.***.watchapp is disallowed for bundle *** Watch App.app

I can't do anything now. What am I supposed to do

Unable to upload after app transfer