Why does apple allow so many scam apps to exist on their store?

I have noticed many apps with fraudulent and suspicious behavior from the developer side. Specifically, this application has the following features that require users to log in to Facebook. Instagram… The common feature of these applications is that there are features that are only activated in certain countries But it is not difficult to detect applications like this. Even with the search keyword: "business suite", the number of scam apps has up to 3 while Facebook's application only has 1.

I wonder if apple intentionally ignored it?

I found many apps still exist on the store. I don't understand that apple doesn't realize or intentionally let this problem exist. By opening the application with ip Canada. I discovered these apps have the Facebook login screen, above are some of the apps I found and found that have been available on the apple store for quite some time. Here are some apps I found:




Why does apple allow so many scam apps to exist on their store?