Unable to Renew Developer Program Membership

Hi there,

I have been unable to renew my Developer Program membership using the process posted on the website, and as a result my App has been pulled/removed from the App Store.

Trying to get speak to someone on the support team has been the biggest frustration, as there is no quick way it seems to contact anyone except for raising a ticket via email. I raised a ticket early Saturday, however, it says it may take 1-2 business days to hear back. Is there any other way to expedite a case like this?

When I try to renew from an iPad or iPhone with the Developer App running, there simply is no "Renew" button anywhere. I have tried multiple times, logging out and back in, with different devices etc.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Vist "developer.apple.com" and sign into your account there to renew. Not sure if you can renew from the Developer app.

Do you have resolve this isse? I have it today

Getting same issue in our account, as there is no renew button on Apple Developer App. :(

Hello How did you resolve?

Did anyone able to solve this?

same problem, there is no renew button in developer app and on the apple developer website. In apple you cannot make a single thing without stupid bugs like that

I have gotten same problem my Apple ID. Any update

Unable to Renew Developer Program Membership