Can we incorporate Memoji into our apps?

I need a simple text-to-speech avatar in my iOS app. iOS already has Memojis ready to go - but I cannot find anywhere in the dev docs on how to access Memojis to use in as a tool in app development. Am I missing something? Also - can anyone point me to any resources besides the Apple docs for using AVSpeechSynthesis?

Same interest here. It seems to me the developer forums is aim for developer to help developers. Apple's internal developer aren't exist here.

I don’t think this is possible. There seems to be a private framework that Apple uses for Animoji called AvatarKit. There’s a project on GitHub that plays around with that very framework. Though, as they mention:

This project relies heavily on Apples private API and you should therefore not try to submit this code to App Store.

Can we incorporate Memoji into our apps?