I have an old application I have not modified since near three years. I can still send the macOS build to store. That's OK. But I got a validation error while distributing the iOS version to store.
Targets were set to automatically manage signing. I have changed both parent app and extension to use two different manually created signing profiles ant it show in Xcode signing profile: Apple Distribution. macOS build still use automatically manage signing.
In a second time I saw that even if I get the successfully uploaded message for macOS build, in fact there is still only the 2020 version available in App Store Connect...
What I am doing wrong ? Any ideas please ?
You should go to appstore connect and sign in with your apple developer account (It should be enrolled account) Make sure you have a certificate on your mac in the keychain, if no you should create one https://developer.apple.com/help/account/create-certificates/create-developer-id-certificates/ In app store connect you should add this certificate and then set the xCode to automatically sign in to get the new provisioning profile