Validation error while uploading to AppStore

I have an old application I have not modified since near three years. I can still send the macOS build to store. That's OK. But I got a validation error while distributing the iOS version to store.

Targets were set to automatically manage signing. I have changed both parent app and extension to use two different manually created signing profiles ant it show in Xcode signing profile: Apple Distribution. macOS build still use automatically manage signing.

In a second time I saw that even if I get the successfully uploaded message for macOS build, in fact there is still only the 2020 version available in App Store Connect...

What I am doing wrong ? Any ideas please ?

Answered by HusseinKandil in 755347022

You should go to appstore connect and sign in with your apple developer account (It should be enrolled account) Make sure you have a certificate on your mac in the keychain, if no you should create one In app store connect you should add this certificate and then set the xCode to automatically sign in to get the new provisioning profile

Accepted Answer

You should go to appstore connect and sign in with your apple developer account (It should be enrolled account) Make sure you have a certificate on your mac in the keychain, if no you should create one In app store connect you should add this certificate and then set the xCode to automatically sign in to get the new provisioning profile

Validation error while uploading to AppStore