Studio Display Firmware v17 changes FaceTime camera capture angle


I'm running MacOS Sonoma on a M1 Max MacStudio. I have 2 new Studio Displays, and after successfully installing the OS beta, I was asked to install the new display firmware.

Has anyone else noticed that the angle of capture for the FaceTime camera is SIGNIFICANTLY different than before?

Is the angle of device something that use user-adjustable? IF SO where is that configured/adjusted/controlled? This aspect should be user facing. I have to shift my screen forward about 15º-20º in order to get my face on screen, which makes using this expensive hardware rather awkward!

I'm dealing with the same issue. After the firmware update, the behavior exists regardless of what system/application uses the display's camera.

Something to do with this feature, perhaps? Do you see the new "Wide" and "Ultra Wide" options in your menu bar?

Control the composition of your video when using Studio Display or iPhone as your camera. Adjust the frame with zoom and pan controls or use Recenter to automatically place yourself in the center of the frame.

From .

I don't have those options in the menu bar. The firmware definitely changed something on the display's camera. Any laptop I plug in that accesses the camera has the issue where the field of view is dramatically changed.

This was fixed for me in Beta 2.

Studio Display Firmware v17 changes FaceTime camera capture angle