XCode 17 build error: cfstring constant not pointer aligned

Showing Recent Errors Only Error parsing '/Users/icecee/taobao4iphone/Pods/APSecLocalStorage/APSecLocalStorage.framework/APSecLocalStorage[arm64][2](internal_SSKeychain.o)': cfstring constant not pointer aligned

Same issue in my project. Guess xcode 15 has a stricter syntax security detection.

Guess have clang compiler option to skip this error check.

Me too facing the same issue.

I have the same problem, please help.

Removing arm64 and adding x86_64 into valid arch in Build Settings works for me.

Same issue here.

I have the same problem, please help.

someone help

"Other Linker Flags" add "-ld64"

watch https://developers.apple.com/forums/thread/731089

If you have upgraded to Xcode15.0 beta on your only computer(macOS Sonoma 14.0) and still can not find any solution for this issue, I would suggest you use an older version of Xcode on your current Mac OS: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/69994916/how-can-i-run-older-xcode-version-on-new-macos-version

XCode 17 build error: cfstring constant not pointer aligned