We would like to obtain price data of our app's subscription items in order to facilitate our work on our application.
I referred to the following document of AppStoreConnectAPI and found the API for acquiring the data. Although as a result, we are not able to get the [Initial Price] data that we wanted to get.
id = "[unique id]"
url = "https://api.appstoreconnect.apple.com/v1/subscriptionPricePoints/" + id + "/equalizations"
params = "include=territory&filter[territory]=JPN&limit=200" #include=territory&filter[territory]=JPN
res = requests.get(url, params, headers=HEAD)
"data": [
"type": "subscriptionPricePoints",
"id": "[unique id]",
"attributes": {
"customerPrice": "50",
"proceeds": "35",
"proceedsYear2": "43"
As shown in the example above, the "Initial Price" information was not included. My question is: How do I get the "initial price" information for the subscription item in the following page or csv file?
If someone know any tips about this, please let me know.