How to obtain particular data of app's subscription items in AppStoreConnect

We would like to obtain price data of our app's subscription items in order to facilitate our work on our application.

I referred to the following document of AppStoreConnectAPI and found the API for acquiring the data. Although as a result, we are not able to get the [Initial Price] data that we wanted to get.


id = "[unique id]"

url = "" + id + "/equalizations"

params = "include=territory&filter[territory]=JPN&limit=200" #include=territory&filter[territory]=JPN

res = requests.get(url, params, headers=HEAD)


"data": [


"type": "subscriptionPricePoints",

"id": "[unique id]",

"attributes": {

"customerPrice": "50",

"proceeds": "35",

"proceedsYear2": "43"


As shown in the example above, the "Initial Price" information was not included. My question is: How do I get the "initial price" information for the subscription item in the following page or csv file?

If someone know any tips about this, please let me know.

How to obtain particular data of app's subscription items in AppStoreConnect