RealityKit - loading multiple usdz models into Entities

I'm new to RealityKit and facing the following issue -

I'm trying to load 8 models asynchronously using the following code -

cancellable = Entity.loadModelAsync(named: "m1")
        .append(Entity.loadModelAsync(named: "m2"))
        .append(Entity.loadModelAsync(named: "m3"))
        .append(Entity.loadModelAsync(named: "m4"))
        .append(Entity.loadModelAsync(named: "m5"))
        .append(Entity.loadModelAsync(named: "m6"))
        .append(Entity.loadModelAsync(named: "m7"))
        .sink(receiveCompletion: { loadCompletion in

            if case let .failure(error) = loadCompletion {
                print("Unable to load model \(error)")

        }, receiveValue: { entities in


//cancellable is an instance property defined as var cancellable:AnyCancellable?

The code works as expected. However there is an Xcode issue I'm facing - the editor constantly gets stuck at "Indexing: Processing Files" and subsequently the Build process gets stuck too. This only happens when the number of models in the above chain is more than 3-4. Is there any way to break down the above loading step into smaller parts, without needing to load the models individually (i.e. without .append)?

RealityKit - loading multiple usdz models into Entities