Get all customer Reviews from API


I'm getting the reviews for my App from this API Endpoint:{id}/customerReviews

as explained here

The headline of the documentation says:

List All Customer Reviews for an App

However, the data I get back from the API does not contain all Reviews. By default I get around 50 reviews. If I use the parameter limit I can expand the response to max 200 Reviews.

So, my questions: How do I get all reviews as claimed by the documentation?

Hi GMAier! In the response you get from this API there should be a "links" object near the bottom. If a list includes more results then the specified limit there will be a "next" link. Follow this link to fetch the next page of results.

Thank you, I had not noticed that link. Solved my problem!

Hi @GMaier I am using the below curl command but I am getting a 403. Can you please see if the request is correct? I am using the same Private_key that I used to generate jwt_token for Sales Report ( For customerReviews, should I ask for a different Private_key?

curl -X GET GET{APP_ID}/customerReviews
-H "Authorization: Bearer {JWT_TOKEN}"

Thanks !

Get all customer Reviews from API