TestFlight doesn't send invitation emails

When I add a user into AppStoreConnect->UsersAndAccess - the user gets an AppStoreConnect invitation email.

However, when I add this uer to a Internal testing group on TestFlight tab - no invitation email is being sent. "Resent email" button is also not doing anything.

I've tried removing/readding the user, tried to remove/recreate the test group, tried to re-upload the build - still no emails from testflight. Tried with different users and different emails. No luck at all :(

Anything else I could try to get this email sent? Or at least to get any error messages on why there is no email?

I too am experiencing this issue.

As an experiment, I 'stopped testing' an existing testflight build, then re-added the user to the test group.

No email was sent.

Waited 24h, still no invite emails.

Resent, etc. no luck.

I have same problem.

I have the same problem.

Same problem for me. On two apps.

The same problem. Waiting for solving

Same problem

Just opened a support case for this issue. Noticed on April 13th in the morning that when a build would finish, I never got an email. Always did before. But the build finished and it was pushed to TestFlight.

Created a new iOS app yesterday. No build emails. And no Invite emails to Internal groups regardless of how many times I removed and re-sent the invites.

Clearly it's not working as many people are now posting this issue again. Checked the Apple Status pages but there was nothing for this bug we're experiencing.

can configm, its still broken. Also checked apple status page. Seems like apple has not good monitoring. What a waste of time and energy

My team is facing the same issue, we have tried do that:

  1. Remove and Add for test group;
  2. Create a new group and associate for the build;


Anything else I could try to get this email sent? Or at least to get any error messages on why there is no email?

We really have an important release and this is blocking our tests...

The same issue in my Team. Since yesterday newly created testers have not received any invitation email.

I subscribed to this thread and got an email notification for this, just seems that TestFlight has took a holiday. Come on Apple, we all need you to fix this!

Thank you for your reports about emails not being sent. We're currently investigating. I'll reply back here when we have more to share.

I am experiencing the issue as well.

Same issue is on our side. None of the testers received invite email. Will have to follow plan B - Firebase distribution.

TestFlight has been recovered at 4:19pm 04/14/23. Thanks Apple Team.

We believe this issue has been resolved. It may take some time for all of the emails to come through.

I am still experiencing this. I have been trying to send and re-send invitation emails for the past day, and none are going through. Will you check to make sure this is truly fixed?

Still has the same problem , for getting invitations to appstore connect as a Developer in (Users and access) facing this problem from yesterday.

Same problem neither apple developer invitation, neither Testflight emails received. Apple, please solve it.

Created a new Internal Testing Group today, added several existing accounts, no emails are being delivered ( 2 hours wait at this point ).

No new user emails being generated by TestFlight. Cannot change roles of existing users.

Same here. Trying it since 10 hours now, to send mails for invitation. Tried differnt devcices, browsers and connections. Nothing. Could you please fix it?

TestFlight doesn't send invitation emails