I am working on a project that involves tabular classification using Create ML Components and I'm having trouble getting my model to work correctly.
I've been following the official documentation here: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/createmlcomponents/
and also i have followed the wwdc talks. This one seems to be the most relevant one: https://developer.apple.com/wwdc22/10019
In that talk the construction of a tabular regressor is explained(20:23 Tabular regressor) . I tried using BoostedTreeClassifier similar to that. I am having trouble getting it to work though. While training with 5 featureColumns and one annotation columns appears to have worked. i am unsure how to get the label (the categorical value that the model is supposed to return) after calling .predict .
This is the last bit of the example from apple (tabular regression)
static func predict(
type: String,
region: String,
volume: Double
) async throws -> Double {
let model = try task.read(from: parametersURL)
let dataFrame: DataFrame = [
"type": [type],
"region": [region],
"volume": [volume]
let result = try await model(dataFrame)
return result[priceColumnID][0]!
The last line is what i am wondering how to write for a Tabular classifier. It should return a category in my case.
Is there a tutorial or example for a tabular classifier code somewhere?