Can not upload screenshots

I'm trying to upload screenshots of my app to publish my app but an error keeps preventing me to do so. I've successfully uploaded screenshots for 6.5" display, when doing the same thing for 5.5" display, I drag the image, the progress bar appears and goes away and the image is uploaded. After a few seconds, the screenshot turns red with error "Somthing went wrong. Delete the assets and try again".

Well, I've tried multiple times with different images but getting the same error. Any ideas?

Answered by App Store Connect Engineer in 750160022

We believe we have resolved this issue. If you encounter issues with screenshots, you may need to delete and re-upload them.

+1 Same here

Apple. I don't understand why .

same issue

+1 same error for me as well

Aman, I am still facing this 12 hours later. @Apple where are you at??

I've been having trouble uploading images to the Apple Store for a long time, it's unbelievable.


Same issue, please fix it!!

did someone reported to the apple? did they know about this issue? it's more than 14h issue already. strange that all server status are OK

same here

Same here

@Apple Are your developers on vacation today? when do they plan to fix this issue

So happy this isn't just me. Same

Same here

Its unbelievable that a trillion dollars company has this type of bugs!

Same issue

Still does not work


Ha this is happening today, haha

If this is a week thing, this is ridiculous

Experiencing the same problem, still.

Same issue here

same issue for me

same issue too

Would love a fix to this!

Can not upload screenshots