Can not upload screenshots

I'm trying to upload screenshots of my app to publish my app but an error keeps preventing me to do so. I've successfully uploaded screenshots for 6.5" display, when doing the same thing for 5.5" display, I drag the image, the progress bar appears and goes away and the image is uploaded. After a few seconds, the screenshot turns red with error "Somthing went wrong. Delete the assets and try again".

Well, I've tried multiple times with different images but getting the same error. Any ideas?

Answered by App Store Connect Engineer in 750160022

We believe we have resolved this issue. If you encounter issues with screenshots, you may need to delete and re-upload them.

Same here! Apple, come on, please solve this. You have trillions in your bank account and you can't resolve such a bug? :)

Same here! Please Apple solve this!



Same issue here. This is blocking our app release! Did someone manage to fix it or is it Apple problem?

Still tying but no luck... +1

Same problem here...



So many "same" comments. Is the upvote button not working either? lol

+1 same here

+1 I hope it will be resolved soon





It lasts for nearly a whole day, dam.... hope it will be fixed soon!

Wake up Wake up! Time to do some fixings, dude!

same issue, I tried delete cache, history , switch browser, change network ... still have this problem

wake up apple i have to publish 3 applications today

Same problem here today. Never faced this before…

same issue, I can't post to review because of this


Thank god I found this forum, I've been trying for the past hour

I keep trying. Not fixed yet.

Can not upload screenshots