Can not upload screenshots

I'm trying to upload screenshots of my app to publish my app but an error keeps preventing me to do so. I've successfully uploaded screenshots for 6.5" display, when doing the same thing for 5.5" display, I drag the image, the progress bar appears and goes away and the image is uploaded. After a few seconds, the screenshot turns red with error "Somthing went wrong. Delete the assets and try again".

Well, I've tried multiple times with different images but getting the same error. Any ideas?

Answered by App Store Connect Engineer in 750160022

We believe we have resolved this issue. If you encounter issues with screenshots, you may need to delete and re-upload them.


Last year happened the same stuff:

Some users said that it could be a naming problem, others that it's an extension issue.

Let me know if some of this works for you.

I will also try.

Last year happened the same stuff:

Some users said that it could be a naming problem, others that it's an extension issue.

Let me know if some of this works for you.

I will also try.


I've tried to rename the images but didn't work, still an open issue.

@apple same issue here. on a friday. nice.

I really want to say dirty words, IT companies with a market value of trillions can't actually publish apps, this problem has lasted for so long. I thought it was my problem, ***~~

I tried renaming, changing extensions, with/without alpha, nothing works...and there is still not a single comment from @Apple. This is ridiculous!

Same here.. Could not upload screenshots for in app purchases

Same here. Can't upload screenshots for my app publish

Oh wow, thank god I'm not the problem - that has been killing me for 2 hours now... Apple please get it together - at least give us an honest update. I mean we are all developers, we understand bugs happen... but give us an estimate on when this is going to be fixed.

They really don't care, do they?

I am facing the same issue.

It just worked for me. I just submitted for review!

This has just been fixed y'all!!! I was just able to upload the screenshots and submit my App for review.

Tried for 12 hours. Still having problems uploading photos to in-app review

i have tried to rename my images and then try re-upload and that worked for me. don't now if its the name it self or its something else.

YES !! it is working now

UPDATE WORKS I've just tried again and it works. Reload the page and upload your screenshots to verify. @apple should advise all of us when they know there is an issue and when they are working on it...

finally i was able to upload images. app is currently review

Finally, everything has loaded!

It works !! Thank you :)

Found a trick, after adding images changes something else in the app review form so Save button get enabled then click save and reload (repeat this process for each screen size one at at time)

Accepted Answer

We believe we have resolved this issue. If you encounter issues with screenshots, you may need to delete and re-upload them.

Noone actually has solved this. it still exist.

Can not upload screenshots