How do I respond to test device association?

Please read this message carefully, as it requires your immediate attention.


We’ve identified a pattern of behavior associated with your Apple Developer Program account that is not consistent with the Developer Code of Conduct. Your action is required to address these serious issues:

  • Some of your account information is associated with other developer accounts that have been flagged for termination, including test device connection and similarities to other apps.

Per guideline 5.6.2, developers must provide verifiable, accurate information so App Store users know who they are purchasing apps from and can contact you regarding any issues.

To remain in the Apple Developer Program, please provide a detailed explanation within 14 days of the date of this message regarding these issues with your Apple Developer Program account. If we do not receive a detailed explanation within 14 days, your account will be flagged for removal and your apps will be removed from sale. If you have any questions, reply to this message and let us know.

The following issues also require your attention:

Compliance is your best option, provide the required information in any of your apps meta data on App Store Connect, contact Apple DTS for clarification if your developer account is not being used on Test Devices by a 3rd party outside of your account's normal usage.

How do I respond to test device association?