Looking for AWS database recommendations for an Augmented Reality application

I am working on an augmented reality application and I am sort of overwhelmed re: what AWS database set up to use for my app.

Yes I HAVE to use AWS because I have an interview with them soon and they will ask me about it I am sure of that. It's not a job interview, I just need to use ANY AWS database. It's a grant program the requirement is that I need to have an AWS database.

It doesn't have to be the most complex and I don't need to be an expert which obviously I am not LOL. I just need a very basic database. In the past I used Google's Firebase which is A LOT simpler. Well, AWS is NOT simple. There are just way too many options.

The issue is, I am making an multipeer app and users will have 3D objects connected to their IDs and also text and images.

I am looking at Amplify ( the 'simplified' command line database ) or DynamoDB... I don't love using command line apps or nodejs but I can deal with it for now, I am leaning towards amplify because it appears to be the simplest.

Do you happen to use an AWS database for your AR app? If so, what is your set up?

Alternatively, I have not seen sample code AR apps with databases connected, if you happen to know of any please share the link and I can figure it out from there.


I think you should be considering DynamoDB vs. “MemoryDB for Redis”. The important question is whether DynamoDB is fast enough for you - are you trying to update the positions of things in real-time? And you’ll also need to consider cost.

DynamoDB is not particularly difficult to use, but you will have issues around authentication/authorisation if you want to connect directly from your app; how do plan to do that? (I’ve only used DynamoDB from AWS Lambda functions that the app invokes.)

Looking for AWS database recommendations for an Augmented Reality application