Can't render MKPolylineRenderer in a MKMapView on emulator since iOS 16.4 / Xcode Version 14.3 (14E222b)


I updated Xcode to version 14.3 (14E222b) which comes with iOS 16.4 Also macOS has the latest update Ventura 13.3 (22E252) Mac hardware is a MacBook Pro M1 Max

After the update in MapKit (Not SwiftUI) MKPolylineRenderer won't render any more in an iOS 16.4 emulator (but still works fine on a physical device).

In the terminal I see many lines like this:

"Compiler failed to build request"

"PSO error: reading from a rendertarget is not supported"

I don't see these lines on a physical device and the polylines render fine on a physical device.

Has anybody else seen this? Anything I can do?

Thanks Gerd

P.S. workaround: works for me when I choose the target "My Mac (Designed for iPad)"

I am also seeing this error, although it does not appear to impact my map rendering (I am not overlaying a route).

Same effect with Xcode 15.0 beta. In the console, there is no "PSO error: reading from a rendertarget is not supported" any more

Long ago in the past to work around a bug, I turned off Metal validation. (I don't use Metal explicitly, but MapKit does)

After turning on Metal validation for the schema again, MapKit MKPolylines are rendered again

Hope that helps.

Fixed with Xcode 15.0 beta 5 and iOS 17 beta 4 in emulator

This is present in Xcode 15 Beta 8 and the visionOS Simulator Beta 3. I hit it when running my Metal based iPad app target within visionOS–"Apple Vision Pro (Designed for iPad)".

Can't render MKPolylineRenderer in a MKMapView on emulator since iOS 16.4 / Xcode Version 14.3 (14E222b)