Free Trial Billing Errors

Hi everyone!

I recently launched a hard paywall in my app and have had a fair few people each day sign up to the 3 day free trial.

Around 55% of users remain after the 3 day trial but I am finding that when it ends around 20-25% of the users are running into 'billing errors' meaning they end up not paying at the end of the trial despite never cancelling.

The information coming through from Apple ranges from 'insufficient credit', 'incorrect details' and 'unknown' - but the % is way higher than

Has anyone come across this issue before at such a high % and if so, is there anything we can do to try and improve this number?

Thank you!

I got the same issue I am using revenuecat sdk. Have you found out the culprit?

also fighting the exact same problem- what do we do? seems so unlikely - my last 5 conversions from trial have resulted in billing error.

Free Trial Billing Errors