AirTag to integrate iPhone and Watch

AirTag to integrate iPhone and Watch

What I wrote below is my request for hardware and software innovation for iPhone and Watch.

  1. There's no way we can find it when the iPhone and Watch battery is dead.
  2. Adding and integrating iPhone and Watch AirTag.
  3. S.O.S. it also activates the AirTag, which is added when the call is started.
  4. iPhone ve Watch eklenen AirTag kendi bili sayesinde uzun süre sinyal göndere bilir.
  5. S.O.S. The police, ambulance, fire brigade, rescue team coming for the call can detect the person's location by seeing the encrypted AirTag signals. It can play sound. (Encrypted signal)
  6. Encrypted signal: S.O.S. The iPhone and Watch that sends the call activate the AirTag. Only the location and control of the secret cipher algorithm (police, ambulance, fire brigade, rescue team) can be detected and controlled by radio-like devices.

iCloud: Activating AirTag via iCloud if the device is away “my device has been stolen” “My child has been kidnapped” “My phone is lost” AirTag will continue to work for a long time even if the iPhone and Watch battery is dead. Police: An instant patrol team S.O.S. can see the call and intervene instantly. If there is a kidnapping situation, it is possible to follow up. Ambulance: When the iPhone and Watch AirTag, which detects a vehicle accident, is activated. The ambulance going to the location will know the location. Fall detection or manual S.O.S. will be activated when the call is sent. Fire Brigade: It will be able to see the floor and room of the person trapped in the building during the fire and act quickly. Rescue Team: Satellite call for help is very nice. If the phone's battery dies, its location may change due to adverse conditions. The team that receives the S.O.S call when the AirTag is attached. When you go to the location. He will be able to see the current location of the person with the device that detects the encrypted signal in his hand. He'll be able to make a sound. Rescue team: Earthquake: If we look through the wide window. Rescue teams in the vicinity sent the signals of the people under the debris in the earthquake to the S.O.S. will be able to locate them with their calls. This is why it is important to have a separate battery for AirTag, as there is no electricity during a natural disaster. Even if the iPhone and Watch Batteries are dead, AirTag will remain active for a long time and send a signal. Rescue team: Flood: a person drifting in the flood. having the opportunity to follow it instantly and save it. Rescue team: Hurricane: For devices sending S.O.S calls, teams will be able to save people quickly and in coordination. Rescue team: landslide: I don't know how many m/f depth the person who is under the ground will work. I leave this part to you. Rescue team: Avalanche: We can save the life of a skier stuck in the snow. Fall detection S.O.S. will come into play. Rescue team:Volcano: When the volcano erupted, S.O.S. Even the thought of the people who sent the call will flee in a certain direction to escape from the volcano, and that the rescue teams will save those people as if they had put their hands on it is very nice.

I do not have enough knowledge and equipment on how to make a device that will decode the encrypted signal frequencies. AirTag is an existing technology and this technology has been added to iPhone and Watch devices with the knowledge.S.O.S. When it is started, it will be enough for iPhone and Watch to work in coordination. Note: I am translating this article from Turkish to English using a translation program. I'm sorry if there are any mistakes in sentences and words.

Best Regards


AirTag to integrate iPhone and Watch