Take a builtInUltraWideCamera photo during ARKit world tracking?

I need to be able to capture a still image from builtInUltraWideCamera during an ARKit session (ARWorldTrackingConfiguration not face tracking). It doesn't matter if taking the photo takes a few seconds, I just need an image and to be able to get the camera position/orientation from ARKit as usual.

The only way I can see to do this is to pause the ARKit session, grab the image and then immediately resume the session with .initialWorldMap and hope it resumes successfully.

This seems like a poor solution given that ARKit in ARWorldTrackingConfiguration is using builtInUltraWideCamera internally for tracking and could share an image from it if there was a suitable API. Is there any better way forward?


Take a builtInUltraWideCamera photo during ARKit world tracking?