Where is the iOS 16.3 simulator? Why doesn't Apple release it?

The app I created works normally on 16.2 and 16.4. However, the app reviewer says it doesn't work on iPad 16.3. It didn't work when I actually saw the screenshot. I want to fix this problem, but 16.3 Simulator is not available.

I bought a MacBook for app development, bought an iPhone for testing, and now I have to buy an iPad. I don't know why simulators exist. This is very nonsense.

See the accepted answers in this thread and this thread.

i'm in the same situation....:(

The problem is unlikely to be specific to iOS 16.3. It’s not impossible, but you should consider more likely possibilities first.

> The app I created works normally on 16.2 and 16.4.

Did you test with TestFlight? Did you locally test (from Xcode) with release builds, or just debug builds? See Testing a release build.

> the app reviewer says it doesn't work on iPad 16.3

Did the reviewer say it does work for them on 16.2 and 16.4? Or do you think they happened to test only on 16.3?

And what exactly "doesn’t work” for the reviewer? Is there a crash report, missing functionality, etc.?

First, we completed the test with an iPhone device connected to TestFlight and Mac.

And I recently bought an iPad and tested it in the same way, but it works fine in the iOS 16.4.

Anyway, I completed the test on the 16.2 and 16.4 simulators, and the actual device was tested based on the 16.4 version.

The thing that made me uncomfortable was that I was denied the screening because the simulator for the 16.3 version was not provided and that version had an error.

Can you give details of the bug affecting only 16.3? This may be helpful to someone else.

did any one find the solution ? I have the same issue with iPad iOS version 16.6

Where is the iOS 16.3 simulator? Why doesn't Apple release it?