macOS App Store receipt validation

Hi, I have a paid macOS app available in the Mac App Store for the past few years, and I'm looking into converting it into a freemium app. I wanted to add a check to see if the app was purchased legitimately or not, since I know there's a lot of pirated copies available on the internet.

I just did some basic analytics with the app already on the store, the app receipt validation fails because there's no file found at the receipt URL location. I'm just doing this basic check and it fails for a lot of the cases ....

    NSURL *receiptURL = [NSBundle mainBundle].appStoreReceiptURL;
    BOOL exists = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:receiptURL.path isDirectory:nil];

Does this signify that the user has a non-AppStore copy of the app? Or could the receipt be missing for other legitimate reasons? Do I have to make a call to refresh the receipt to confirm this (as I would on iOS)?

Again, this is for an existing app on the Mac App Store, not testing for sandbox users.


macOS App Store receipt validation