The last two apps I created report the same error: <CKError 0x283e221f0: "Bad Container" (1014); "Couldn't get container configuration from the server for container "iCloud.bundleID"">
Since the bundleID and the iCloud container are the same text, I figure there must be something wrong in the profile or certificate. No?
My other apps are working as expected.
I have the entitlement checked in the identifier, identical to the apps that are working.
Any idea?
Thanks. Blessings, --Mark
In case others get stuck with this, I created a new container and ensured the container = NSPersistentCloudKitContainer(name: "name") , and the CoreData file was the same name and all went fine afer. I also made sure the container name, et.al. was a short name and was different from the BundleID. Blessings, --Mark