StatusCodeError: 500 while trying to retrieve sales report from app store connect api

I've been using the App Store Connect API to retrieve sales reports for my app. Yesterday, everything was working fine, but today I keep getting a StatusCodeError: 500 when trying to retrieve the report from

Has anyone else experienced this issue today?

We are experiencing the 500 Internal Server Error as well.

I am also experiencing the same issue when trying to access the sales reports API in App Store Connect. I received this message:


    "errors": [         {             "status": "500",             "code": "UNEXPECTED_ERROR",             "title": "An unexpected error occurred.",             "detail": "An unexpected error occurred on the server side. If this issue continues, contact us at"         }     ] }

It seems like there might be some kind of service disruption.

Hopefully, it will be resolved soon.

We have the same problem and the problem is "errors": [ { "status": "500", "code": "UNEXPECTED_ERROR", "title": "An unexpected error occurred.", "detail": "An unexpected error occurred on the server side. If this issue continues, contact us at" } ],how to solve this

Just wanted to chime in and say we started getting the 500 error yesterday (3/1/2023) as well. This was in an attempt to download the daily sales report for 2/28/23. Tried again today and still got a 500 error for 2/28/23. So I decided to try 3/1/2023 and it downloaded OK. I then tried another request for 2/28/23 and it downloaded successfully. Not sure if Apple fixed something in the last 30 or so minutes, or if downloaded the report from 3/1 fixed something that allowed me to download the 2/28 report.

This was working for us for a brief period this morning and has been broken again since about 3pm EST.

Hello, we believe that we have resolved this issue and you should no longer be getting this error.

If you continue to have trouble, please contact Apple Developer Support at to provide more details including the following:

  1. The steps you’re taking
  2. The results of those steps
  3. Any errors/messages
  4. Any other relevant details

Thank you!

Can confirm this is now mostly working for us. Still getting failures for the subscriber detailed report for 3/1, day prior and after both pull fine. This is being done via a get request in python, confirmed in airflow and running python locally. Same error, 500 internal server error.

Problem has returned for all dates.

We experience the same problem for all dates. API call result: { "errors": [{ "status": "500", "code": "UNEXPECTED_ERROR", "title": "An unexpected error occurred.", "detail": "An unexpected error occurred on the server side. If this issue continues, contact us at" }] }

I am still experiencing errors atm

We are experiencing the same 500 error from past 3 days, it still continues now as well. Cannot get the Sales/Subscriber reports.

Yes we are experiencing the same for last 4 days and now as well. sales report :

Yes we got same error last week.

I am experiencing the same for last 5 days, same code sometimes works, some times does not work. I receive this status and status text: status: 500, statusText: 'Internal Server Error',

Please fix asap.

Same here, it's been a few days in a row that the sales report endpoint is failling with error 500

Thanks, we believe we’ve resolved this issue again. You should be able to successfully download reports now. If not, please help us continue investigating by including the following:

  1. The reportType
  2. The reportDate
  3. The version

Problem seems to have returned once more. This is getting really disruptive.

I'm getting this same issue. Do you simply just wait for the issue to resolve or are there any steps that should be taken...other than reaching out to support? The API status say it's fine but we've had issues for well over 24 hours now.

StatusCodeError: 500 while trying to retrieve sales report from app store connect api