IntentsErrorDomain code=7001 when using getAllVoiceShortcutsWithCompletion

I am receiving this error in some cases when calling request on an INVoiceShortcutCenter.

[[INVoiceShortcutCenter sharedCenter] getAllVoiceShortcutsWithCompletion:^(NSArray<INVoiceShortcut *> * _Nullable voiceShortcuts, NSError * _Nullable error) {
    if (error) {}

@yleson Error 7001 means that the “Shortcuts“ app is not installed on your device. It is installed by default, perhaps it was removed to save memory. Make sure to open this app at least once, then you will be able to receive voice shortcuts.

IntentsErrorDomain code=7001 when using getAllVoiceShortcutsWithCompletion