StoreKit 2 - Is it necessary to finish unverified transactions?

The sample code provided in doesn't appear to call finish() on unverified transactions, and I haven't been able to find any documentation regarding what to do with unfinished transactions. However, Apple has always emphasized the importance of finishing transactions, and since a transaction object is provided even with the unverified state, I'd love some guidance!

Any guidance here? If you download and look at its implementation of Store.purchase(), you'll see that if the transaction is .unverified, checkVerified() will throw StoreError.failedVerification, and transaction.finish() will not be called.

I also encountered the same confusion, the same transactionid, every time when the restoreTransaction, there will be unverified failure of the order, and I feel very strange

StoreKit 2 - Is it necessary to finish unverified transactions?