Ahoy everyone,
I am currently in the process of writing a custom undo system, as I will be handling large geometric data, and want to make sure the undo data is very efficient.
The plan is to get all the byte data, and then perform an XOR and store the result in an optomised way.
Currently I can retieve the class objects byte data using the Data() data type, but this does not encapsulate all the data that makes up the object. you end up with pointers that point to data which is not getting collected.
Question A: Is there an existing API call or data type that allows me to pass in a class object and returns all the byte data ?
Question B: If question A is no, could you recommend/suggest a way to achieve this?
Thank you for your time and help :)
- The following is my Playground I was using for testing purposes, just incase I have made a huge mistake with my use of the Data type.
import Foundation
import simd
class Node {
public var position : simd_float3 = [0, 0, 0]
public var name : String = "Node"
public var vertices : Array<simd_float3> = []
/// Default instance
var newClassNode = Node()
/// Modified instances
var moved_newClassNode = Node()
moved_newClassNode.name = "Updated_Node_Position"
moved_newClassNode.position = [1, 1, 1]
moved_newClassNode.vertices = [ [0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1], [2, 2, 2], [3, 3, 3], [4, 4, 4],
[5, 5, 5], [6, 6, 6], [7, 7, 7], [8, 8, 8], [9, 9, 9], ]
/// Size of the MemoryLayout class
let mem_size = MemoryLayout<Node>.size
var data_test = Data(bytes: &newClassNode, count: mem_size)
var data_test2 = Data(bytes: &moved_newClassNode, count: mem_size)
let d_ints = data_test.map { UInt8($0) }
let d2_ints = data_test2.map { UInt8($0) }
/// The XOR byte data.
var xor_bytes : Array<UInt8> = []
/// The byte data that has had the xor bytes applied.
var applied_xor : Array<UInt8> = []
// XOR comparison
/// The following is performing the byte XOR comparison for each byte found in the Data object.
for i in 0..<mem_size {
xor_bytes.append(d_ints[i] ^ d2_ints[i])
// Applies the XOR bytes, and stores the result
for i in 0..<mem_size {
applied_xor.append(d_ints[i] ^ xor_bytes[i])
/// Assigns the byte data to a Data variable
var xor_data = Data(applied_xor)
/// Result of the applied xor data cast back into the original object type.
let appliedNode = xor_data.withUnsafeBytes { $0.load(as: Node.self) }
// Updating a variable after the XOR should not appear in the final result, unless its using pointers and not fully capturing all the bytedata
moved_newClassNode.vertices[1] = [101,101,101]
/// == LOGGING ==
print("\n-- XOR Numeric --")
for i in 0..<mem_size {
print("\(d_ints[i]) ^ \(d2_ints[i]) = \(xor_bytes[i])")
print("\n-- BINARY representation --")
for i in 0..<mem_size {
print("\( pad(string:String(d_ints[i], radix:2), toSize:8) ) ^ \( pad(string:String(d2_ints[i], radix:2), toSize:8 )) = \( pad(string:String(xor_bytes[i], radix:2), toSize:8))")
print("\n-- xor applied --")
for i in 0..<mem_size {
print("\(d_ints[i]) ^ \(xor_bytes[i]) = \(applied_xor[i])")
print("\n -- Converted applied xor byte data to object --")
/* ============
* Functions
* ============
func memory_debug(_ input_data:Data) {
print("\n-- Data_Test Debug --")
print(input_data as NSData)
print("count : \(input_data.count)")
let hex_string = input_data.map { String(format: "%02x", $0) }.joined()
print(hex_string) // hex value
//print(String(Int(hex_string, radix:16)!, radix:2)) // hex to binary value
print(input_data.map { String($0, radix:2) } )
func pad(string : String, toSize: Int) -> String {
var padded = string
for _ in 0..<(toSize - string.count) {
padded = "0" + padded
return padded