Is INPreferences.requestSiriAuthorization required for INAddTasksIntent?

I am adding an Intents extension to my app. In the extension, I am conforming to INAddTasksIntentHandling and have implemented the handle & resolveTargetTaskList methods. Everything seems to be working without adding the Privacy - Siri Usage Description and calling INPreferences.requestSiriAuthorization.

Upon resetting the simulator and re-installing the app, the first time Siri is invoked, it asks: "I'll need to access your data to do this. Is that OK?". Siri proceeds if you tap on Yes. Siri does not proceed if you tap on No.

So given that Siri seems to handle this for you, is it still required to call requestSiriAuthorization and have the NSSiriUsageDescription in the plist?

Is INPreferences.requestSiriAuthorization required for INAddTasksIntent?