Is it possible to customize a RoomPlan RoomCaptureSession?

I'm hoping to utilize RoomPlan's auto detection of Doors, Windows, Openings, and Objects in my existing ARKit application.

I've successfully hooked up a RoomCaptureSession to my ARSCNView in place of the preexisting ARSession (for iOS 16+ users):

     if #available(iOS 16, *) {
      let session = RoomCaptureSession()
      let config = RoomCaptureSession.Configuration()
      arView.session = session.arSession config)
      self.roomPlanSession = session
    } else {
      arConfig = ARWorldTrackingConfiguration()
      arConfig.planeDetection = [.horizontal, .vertical], options: .resetTracking)

I'd like to enable planeDetection on the RoomCaptureSession, but I can't find anyway to do so. Does anyone know if this is possible? Or is the RoomCaptureSession not configurable in that way?

Also, the RoomCaptureSession seems to automatically abort/stop if the camera & sensors are covered for a few seconds. For instance, if you set the device on a table (back side down) for ~15 seconds then the session is ended. Is there anyway to force it to keep the session alive in this case?

Experiencing the same issue - I tried to use similar code, the room capture session seems to run after the new run(config), but it does not seem to affect the AR session behaviour.

What I would like to have, is to get both sets of callbacks - the roomCapture callbacks, such as:

captureSession(_ session: RoomCaptureSession, didUpdate: CapturedRoom)

and the original AR session callbacks, such as

  session(_ session: ARSession, didUpdate anchors: [ARAnchor])  etc. 

But I'm not getting the AR session callbacks even after defining:

roomCaprutreSession.arsession.delgate = self

Maybe you can use "// Prevent the screen from being dimmed after a while as users will likely have long periods of interaction without touching the screen or buttons.     // UIApplication.shared.isIdleTimerDisabled = true"

@llawrence did you get the desired outcome? Im trying to make RoomCaptureSession providing me with a point cloud

Is it possible to customize a RoomPlan RoomCaptureSession?