Taking iOS simulator screenshots that are NOT in debug mode


I try to create screenshots for my iOS Flutter app using the iOS simulator. I need those screenshots to submit my app to the App Store.

The problem is, all the simulators (iPhone, iPad etc) show a prominent DEBUG sign on the top of the simulator screen.

Is there a setting, either in xCode or Simulator app that allows running the simulator in non-debug mode? App store requires screenshots for several different types of devices, and I don't have (or can afford) all of them.

I run xCode 14 on macOs Monterrey.

In a more general mode - how do people create screenshots for iOS without owning a bunch of physical Apple devices?

I looked for a way to run xCode in non-debug mode, with no success. I also ran iOS simulator using "flutter run" command out of the console, but it still launches the iOS simulator in debug mode.

you might have already got the answer but still, all you have to do is add - debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false in your MaterialApp in main.dart

That banner is added by Flutter, not by Xcode or by the simulator. Knowing that, a quick web search on “flutter debug banner” may be all you need.

In a more general mode - how do people create screenshots for iOS without owning a bunch of physical Apple devices?

Just the good old iOS simulator.

Taking iOS simulator screenshots that are NOT in debug mode