I'm trying to implement a virtual serial port driver for my ham radio projects which require emulating some serial port devices and I need to have a "backend" to translate the commands received by the virtual serial port into some network-based communications. I think the best way to do that is to subclass IOUserSerial
? Based on the available docs on this class (https://developer.apple.com/documentation/serialdriverkit/iouserserial), I've done the basic implementation below. When the driver gets loaded, I can see sth like tty.serial-1000008DD
in /dev
and I can use picocom
to do I/O on the virtual serial port. And I see TxDataAvailable()
gets called every time I type a character in picocom
The problems are however, firstly, when TxDataAvailable()
is called, the TX buffer is all-zero so although the driver knows there is some incoming data received from picocom
, it cannot actually see the data in neither Tx/Rx buffers.
Secondly, I couldn't figure out how to notify the system that there are data available for sending back to picocom
. I call RxDataAvailable()
, but nothing appears on picocom
, and RxFreeSpaceAvailable()
never gets called back. So I think I must be doing something wrong somewhere. Really appreciate it if anyone could point out how should I fix it, many thanks!
constexpr int bufferSize = 2048;
using SerialPortInterface = driverkit::serial::SerialPortInterface;
struct VirtualSerialPortDriver_IVars
IOBufferMemoryDescriptor *ifmd, *rxq, *txq;
SerialPortInterface *interface;
uint64_t rx_buf, tx_buf;
bool dtr, rts;
bool VirtualSerialPortDriver::init()
bool result = false;
result = super::init();
if (result != true)
goto Exit;
ivars = IONewZero(VirtualSerialPortDriver_IVars, 1);
if (ivars == nullptr)
goto Exit;
kern_return_t ret;
ret = ivars->rxq->Create(kIOMemoryDirectionInOut, bufferSize, 0, &ivars->rxq);
if (ret != kIOReturnSuccess) {
goto Exit;
ret = ivars->txq->Create(kIOMemoryDirectionInOut, bufferSize, 0, &ivars->txq);
if (ret != kIOReturnSuccess) {
goto Exit;
IOAddressSegment ioaddrseg;
ivars->rx_buf = ioaddrseg.address;
ivars->tx_buf = ioaddrseg.address;
return true;
return false;
IMPL(VirtualSerialPortDriver, HwActivate)
kern_return_t ret;
ret = HwActivate(SUPERDISPATCH);
if (ret != kIOReturnSuccess) {
goto Exit;
// Loopback, set CTS to RTS, set DSR and DCD to DTR
ret = SetModemStatus(ivars->rts, ivars->dtr, false, ivars->dtr);
if (ret != kIOReturnSuccess) {
goto Exit;
return ret;
IMPL(VirtualSerialPortDriver, HwDeactivate)
kern_return_t ret;
ret = HwDeactivate(SUPERDISPATCH);
if (ret != kIOReturnSuccess) {
goto Exit;
return ret;
IMPL(VirtualSerialPortDriver, Start)
kern_return_t ret;
ret = Start(provider, SUPERDISPATCH);
if (ret != kIOReturnSuccess) {
return ret;
IOMemoryDescriptor *rxq_, *txq_;
ret = ConnectQueues(&ivars->ifmd, &rxq_, &txq_, ivars->rxq, ivars->txq, 0, 0, 11, 11);
if (ret != kIOReturnSuccess) {
return ret;
IOAddressSegment ioaddrseg;
ivars->interface = reinterpret_cast<SerialPortInterface*>(ioaddrseg.address);
SerialPortInterface &intf = *ivars->interface;
ret = RegisterService();
if (ret != kIOReturnSuccess) {
goto Exit;
return ret;
IMPL(VirtualSerialPortDriver, TxDataAvailable)
SerialPortInterface &intf = *ivars->interface;
// Loopback
// FIXME consider wrapped case
size_t tx_buf_sz = intf.txPI - intf.txCI;
void *src = reinterpret_cast<void *>(ivars->tx_buf + intf.txCI);
// char src[] = "Hello, World!";
void *dest = reinterpret_cast<void *>(ivars->rx_buf + intf.rxPI);
memcpy(dest, src, tx_buf_sz);
intf.rxPI += tx_buf_sz;
intf.txCI = intf.txPI;
Log("[TX Buf]: %{public}s", reinterpret_cast<char *>(ivars->tx_buf));
Log("[RX Buf]: %{public}s", reinterpret_cast<char *>(ivars->rx_buf));
// dmesg confirms both buffers are all-zero
Log("[TX] txPI: %d, txCI: %d, rxPI: %d, rxCI: %d, txqoffset: %d, rxqoffset: %d, txlogsz: %d, rxlogsz: %d",
intf.txPI, intf.txCI, intf.rxPI, intf.rxCI, intf.txqoffset, intf.rxqoffset, intf.txqlogsz, intf.rxqlogsz);
IMPL(VirtualSerialPortDriver, RxFreeSpaceAvailable)
Log("RxFreeSpaceAvailable() called!");
kern_return_t IMPL(VirtualSerialPortDriver,HwResetFIFO){
Log("HwResetFIFO() called with tx: %d, rx: %d!", tx, rx);
kern_return_t ret = kIOReturnSuccess;
return ret;
kern_return_t IMPL(VirtualSerialPortDriver,HwSendBreak){
Log("HwSendBreak() called!");
kern_return_t ret = kIOReturnSuccess;
return ret;
kern_return_t IMPL(VirtualSerialPortDriver,HwProgramUART){
Log("HwProgramUART() called, BaudRate: %u, nD: %d, nS: %d, P: %d!", baudRate, nDataBits, nHalfStopBits, parity);
kern_return_t ret = kIOReturnSuccess;
return ret;
kern_return_t IMPL(VirtualSerialPortDriver,HwProgramBaudRate){
Log("HwProgramBaudRate() called, BaudRate = %d!", baudRate);
kern_return_t ret = kIOReturnSuccess;
return ret;
kern_return_t IMPL(VirtualSerialPortDriver,HwProgramMCR){
Log("HwProgramMCR() called, DTR: %d, RTS: %d!", dtr, rts);
ivars->dtr = dtr;
ivars->rts = rts;
kern_return_t ret = kIOReturnSuccess;
return ret;
kern_return_t IMPL(VirtualSerialPortDriver, HwGetModemStatus){
*cts = ivars->rts;
*dsr = ivars->dtr;
*ri = false;
*dcd = ivars->dtr;
Log("HwGetModemStatus() called, returning CTS=%d, DSR=%d, RI=%d, DCD=%d!", *cts, *dsr, *ri, *dcd);
kern_return_t ret = kIOReturnSuccess;
return ret;
kern_return_t IMPL(VirtualSerialPortDriver,HwProgramLatencyTimer){
Log("HwProgramLatencyTimer() called!");
kern_return_t ret = kIOReturnSuccess;
return ret;
kern_return_t IMPL(VirtualSerialPortDriver,HwProgramFlowControl){
Log("HwProgramFlowControl() called! arg: %u, xon: %d, xoff: %d", arg, xon, xoff);
kern_return_t ret = kIOReturnSuccess;
return ret;