Color literals improve the performance?

I asked ChatGPT about color literals, and it responded me this.

In Swift, you can declare a color literal by using the #colorLiteral expression. Here is an example of how you might use this expression:

let color = #colorLiteral(red: 0.5, green: 0.5, blue: 0.5, alpha: 1.0)

The #colorLiteral expression is useful because it allows you to refer to a color in your code without having to hard-code its RGB or HSB values. This can make your code more readable and maintainable. Additionally, using color literals can also improve the performance of your app because the color is compiled directly into your app's binary, which means that it is loaded into memory only once and can be accessed quickly.

Is it really true that they are compiled directly into your app's binary? I've never heard of it.

I asked ChatGPT about (anything)

Is it really true ?

Of course not; it's an artificial language model.

Story about Meta's "Galactica" language model which claims to be able to write academic papers, Wikipedia articles etc. - but which actually can't tell truth from falsehood:

Or, more down-to-earth, the uselessness of the Amazon Alexa artificial stupidity:

Intrigued by an Ars Technica post about Amazon’s Alexa that suggested all was not well in the tech company’s division that looks after its smart home devices, I went rooting in a drawer where the Echo Dot I bought years ago had been gathering dust. Having found it, and set it up to join the upgraded wifi network that hadn’t existed when I first got it, I asked it a question: “Alexa, why are you such a loss-maker?” To which she calmly replied: “This might answer your question: mustard gas, also known as Lost, is manufactured by the United States.” At which point, I solemnly thanked her, pulled the power cable and returned her to the drawer, where she will continue to gather dust until I can think of an ecologically responsible way of recycling her…

Stick to StackOverflow, and other places with actual humans in the loop, for relatively accurate answers!

Also in the news here:

"Stack Overflow bans ChatGPT as 'substantially harmful' for coding issues"

OpenAI's question-answering bot, ChatGPT, isn't smart enough for the team at Stack Overflow, who today announced a temporary ban on answers generated by the AI bot because of how frequently it's wrong.

Color literals improve the performance?