hello, I created the account by paying €99 and I'm proceeding to publish the app, but it asks me for a series of info including a url that I don't have. I am a private individual who wants to publish it as a hobby. the app will be free. I wonder if only companies can publish them. Thank you.
it asks me for a series of info including a url that I don't have
Please be more specific. What info, exactly? What URL?
I wonder if only companies can publish them.
No, you can publish apps as an individual.
do i have to do something to get a copyright?
Strictly no, you automatically own the copyright in work that you create and don't have to do anything explicitly to claim it. Having said that, in practice it is a good idea to put "(C) My Name 2022" somewhere. Most importantly, if you are using someone else's material under licence, and if the licence requires that you include an attribution, then you must include that attribution somewhere.
Copyright (and related subjects) are complex; I'm sure you could find some good introductory material aimed at software developers online somewhere. Maybe a university's undergraduate "intro to intellectual property" lectures? Most good Computer Science courses will include this these days.