Anyone else finding Beta 2 really sluggish?

Hey all,

Thought I would pose a question/debate opener,

Has anyone found beta 2 of 10.11 really sluggishly slow in comparision to beta 1, I found on my mid-2010 15" (8GB Ram) even the most simple of tasks it finds reason to truggle and beachball me.

Even for dev work on it, it struggles so think might be a wipe & time machine back to 10.10.4 as at least that was workable for devving in comparision to this.

Was just thinking whats everyone else think??

I don't think dev 2 is in itself slower than dev 1. as usual with updates, there are going to be a lot of initial background tasks to complete. give it time. that said, overall 10.11 seems slower than yosemite on an older mac (2009 MacPro, 16GB). unfortunately it's the nature of the *****; wish it weren't so, but our computers are given more and more things to do at once, so its usually a choice to stay on an older OS, buy new hardware every couple years, or suffer.

My Mac Mini 2011 Trying to convert a Swift 1.2 to Swift 2.0 Projects Using The Xcode Swift 2.0 Migrator Made My Computer Slow To The Point It Was Unusable. Had To Do A Hard Restart and Still Slow But If I Turn Off and Leave It for a Few Hours it Comes back to normal. I Think its Just That OSX 10.11 Beta 2 Is Still Not Optimized Yet.

dev2 runs pretty smooth on my 2 MacBook Pros 13" Mid-2010 - 8GB of RAM and HDD replaced by hybrid-SSD/HDD

except for some minor/major bugs I already wrote about

While it was working fine yesterday, I started noticing some pretty bad lag this morning. It's even happening after a fresh reboot and with only a single app open (Safari). Hovering over the dock or switching between spaces will sometimes stutter pretty bad. It's not constant, but it happens frequently enough to be pretty annoying.

I opened up Activity Monitor and sometimes the kernel_task spikes up to 20% CPU for no apparent reason. Xcode 6 suddenly won't launch either.

Edit: I'm using a 2015 MacBook Air. 2.2 GHz i7, Intel HD 6000, 8 GB RAM, 256 GB SSD.

In my experience, early dev builds tend to run slower than the final release.

Yep, the beta2 is not as good as the developer version from a few days ago. Safari hangs constantly and the GUI seems to have more bugs than before.

Having the same problem, using a iMac (21.5-inch, Late 2013) and as long as Mail was running Memory usage was up to 7,59 Gigabyte, with Mail stopped it drops to 1,96.

Seems slower than Beta 1, but possibly due to some specific regressions. For example: up to 20 seconds between selecting Edit All in Scope and actually being able to edit the symbol. This is an apparent data point since this is an operation I was doing many times a day, i.e. until Beta 2. 🤷‍♂️

Anyone else finding Beta 2 really sluggish?