I am running into a strange bug where the exact same code compiles fine in one project but generates a compiler error in another project.
In particular, I am trying to create an AnchorEnity from an ARAnchor.
func addModelTo(anchor: ARAnchor)
let entityAnchor = AnchorEntity(anchor: anchor)
The compiler error message is not even consistent. Sometimes I get a single error message:
Cannot convert value of type 'ARAnchor' to expected argument type 'AnchoringComponent.Target'
Other times I get an error with two possible issues:
No exact matches in call to initializer
Candidate '() -> AnchorEntity' requires 0 arguments, but 1 was provided (RealityFoundation.AnchorEntity)
Candidate expects value of type 'AnchoringComponent.Target' for parameter #1 (got '(anchor: ARAnchor)')
I'm trying to track down why this sometimes causes an error and sometimes it does not.
Any pointers?