Actual In-App purchases not reflected in App Store Connect dashboard

I currently have 4 in-app purchases that are available in my app. I can see in last month's financial report that all 4 of them have been purchased recently.

However, this doesn't match what I can see in the App Store Connect Dashboard. I go to my app and then click into In-App purchases (under Features heading). It only lists 2 products as approved.

I did prepare some changes to the in-app purchases last year, but didn't at the time release a new version. I can't remember quite what I did, but I really just want the Dashboard in-app purchases to reflect how things actually are right now (4 products).

I'm about to release a new app version, but am afraid that two of the current in-app purchase options will then no longer be available.

I tried adding back the current purchase options, but get an error that the product id is already being used. Yes, I know! So show me that in the list. Sigh.

(Edited: removed the mention of "action needed" purchase, which is no longer relevant.)

  • Note, I managed to remove the unapproved "developer action needed" purchase, but still only see two of my actual in-app purchase options in the In-app purchases list.

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