My Apple Developer Program Terminated 18 months ago

Hello. My Apple Developer Program has terminated 18 months ago and since then I try to contact Apple to explain the reason and help me to reactivate the account. But Apple doesn't care about my messages at all. Because of that issue I lost main source of revenue plus my Swift/Xcode knowledge is outdated and I had many other indirect problems. I am from Azerbaijan, a small country between Europe and Asia where there are very few Swift developers. I learned to develop apps for iOS by myself and tried to do my best to follow the guidelines and all the rules. I had two grammar apps (to help learn specific topics in English and German), one object recognition app which worked with AI, and a few other apps. I developed all of them from the scratch following Apple's official resources and Apple approved all of these apps without any problem. But suddenly I got an email (it is even possible that they confused my account with someone else's) and it said something like: after 7 days your account will be terminated and all of my tries to contact Apple will be ignored for a year. But more than 1,5 years passed but I can't still contact Apple. Please, if you know anyone who works there let them know about this issue. I made some small research and found out that most of the people who have similar problems are from less-know small countries and it seems Apple doesn't have any interest to support their apps, users, or developers. It is frustrating that one of the top 5 big companies in the world behaves like that.

My Apple Developer Program Terminated 18 months ago