Testing REFUND notifications in sandbox

I am trying to verify that the code we added for handling several notifications works as expected. Is there a supported way of triggering REFUND notifications in the sandbox environment?

Also, are there certain notifications that cannot be generated in any way in sandbox? If so, how can these types of events be tested?

Thank you in advance!

If you’d like simulate a refund you can leverage the beginRefundRequest API in your app to initiate a refund. More info here and links to other testing articles within. https://developer.apple.com/documentation/storekit/transaction/3803219-beginrefundrequest

We implemented beginRefundRequest function and although we receive all other notifications, we still can't get "REFUND" notification from Sandbox. When we submit the refund request, we are seeing "DID_CHANGE_RENEWAL_STATUS" notification, but not "REFUND". We will appreciate some guidance. Thanks.

We are encountering the same issue when declining refunds. We implemented the beginRefundRequest API followed the steps described in Apple Documentation : Test declined refunds, but at the end we receive a DID_CHANGE_RENEWAL_STATUS notification instead of REFUND_DECLINED.

@IOSUserSH where you able to solve your issue ?

@App Store Commerce Engineer Any idea on what we could do to debug this issue ?


Testing REFUND notifications in sandbox